Communication from Commissioners
Just Psychology, Trafford Sunrise, Mental Health service for 5–12-year-olds
We would like to make you aware the Trafford Sunrise service will close from 31st March 2025. We are constantly reviewing the needs of children in the borough and are therefore looking to introduce a broader offer that also supports those with more complex needs than those that Trafford Sunrise was commissioned to deliver. Since inception the service has supported over 2,400 children and families through groups, workshops and individual family sessions, with 65-78% reporting improvements in their wellbeing. We would like to thank Trafford Sunrise for their work over the past eight years.
Moving forward, there will be further communication sharing updates on new mental health services for children and young people, however in the meantime please be advised of the following services available to families and professionals requiring support. If you require more urgent support, please speak to your GP.

Padlet - Resources and support for children and young people living in Trafford who need help with their emotional health and wellbeing. Trafford Thrive - Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Mental Health Support Teams – 50% of Trafford schools have a MHST in place, speak to your child’s teacher to discuss what mental health support is available in school. Trafford Directory | Trafford Thrive in Education Team
Kooth digital service for children aged 11 + - Kooth
Parenting Smart digital service for parents of children aged 4 -11 - Place2Be's Parenting Smart - Online Course
Trafford Directory | Children and Young People's Mental Health
Bereavement support - Home - Once Upon a Smile
Domestic Violence - Home | tdas | Trafford Domestic Abuse Services | Stretford, Manchester
Trafford Family Information Service - mailto:[email protected]
Sleep support - Sleep Tight
Parenting support - The Solihull Approach aims to improve emotional health and wellbeing by supporting relationships. The courses are written by CAMHS professionals with other health and education workers. Online Parenting Courses | Trafford Directory