Paul was a 14-year-old boy living with his parents, Deborah and Ade, and three siblings.  His parents migrated from Nigeria 15 years ago.  A local organisation worked with Paul’s drug abuse and truancy while we provided:

  • culturally adapted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Deborah’s post-natal depression
  • an attachment-based parenting intervention incorporating Nigerian cultural beliefs
  • couple therapy with the parents regarding the history of domestic violence

Six months later:

  • Deborah’s mood and activity levels had improved
  • Paul’s school attendance was above 85%
  • Communication between the parents and children has improved
  • Communication between Deborah and Ade had improved
  • Ade moved back in with the family

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Just Psychology is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number 9952509. Just Psychology, Warren Bruce Court, Warren Bruce Road, M17 1LB
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