"My day involves lots of different things. I am the first point of contact for Expert Witness enquiries, for which I liaise with solicitors to arrange court assessments. I also then format and edit these reports once they have been proofread. I handle enquiries via telephone and email from various organisations and filter them through to the appropriate service streams.
"I am also involved in general office management, as I am responsible for keeping our resources stocked and support our office staff with their general or IT-related issues. I also monitor and chase up on funding for our spot purchase therapy work and payments for our expert witness reports.
"I’ve also been tracking staff/associates’ expired professional indemnity insurance, DBS, safeguarding, data protection and GDPR documentation. I have helped to gather and collate data for some of our quarterly reports and for some social impact reports.
"Beyond this, I sometimes also have ad hoc duties to complete, for example, room bookings, document formatting and editing, document filing, arranging meetings and much more. Oh, and I am now also a part-time office librarian, in that I will be keeping track of books borrowed from the office!
"I enjoy the office environment, as our office team is quite diverse and experienced! If ever I need help with something, I know that anyone in our team would be happy to help and that someone will know what to do in a given situation, which is especially useful during the busier periods of the year when we need to work together to make sure services run smoothly.
"Likewise, I have always been very open about helping anyone that might need me and I enjoy working to solve any problems as they come. Our extended team (offsite staff/associates) are likewise a very friendly, professional group of people, and I feel they really supported and encouraged me when I was new to the role (and even now continue to do so!).
"Differences in terms of upbringing, culture, education and experience have only been a benefit to us all as everyone here brings a unique outlook to the office and to our work as an organisation, which I feel really benefits the people we are trying to help.
"My workload at times can be challenging. I am usually very good at prioritising my tasks based on their urgency and am prepared to deal with additional duties, but during the busier periods my schedule is often disrupted. I like to plan my week extensively and keep notes to track my current and on-going tasks, but this too needs to be re-ordered or extended at times or I will work overtime, which can be stressful. I always try to mitigate the impact of this on myself and my work by leaving spare time for anything urgent that might crop up. Before I book annual holidays, I have to ensure that any last minute requests are processed; though it is stressful at times to get everything done promptly, I am prepared for this as I am expecting it and always have the much appreciated support of my colleagues. I am happy with my progress so far and feel the challenge has only helped me to be a more efficient worker.
"I would say to anyone thinking of joining our team, that they should because of our strong company ethos and values. We are committed to helping the BME community and have done so for a decade. Moreover, our organisation is not a large corporation; we are a small team of people, and as such everyone is valued for their input and contribution.
"Our staff team is honestly the best group of people to work with! I’ve not worked in such a supportive, cohesive team before in my career to date. If you want to work with people who really care about what they do and who will support your professional growth, then this is the team for you."
For more information about our us and our team click here.